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Heat Treating Steel | How Does It Work?

steel heat treatment

Gail Stouffer |

Heat treating steel is a crucial process for enhancing the metal's properties. This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to heat treat steel, whether you're a hobbyist or professional metalworker. From hardening to tempering, we'll cover the essential techniques to improve your steel's strength, durability, and performance for various applications.

What You’ll Need to Heat Treat Steel

To heat treat steel, the essential equipment includes a heat treat oven or a knife kiln capable of reaching and maintaining high temperatures (typically 1400-2000°F). A reliable temperature measurement tool like a pyrometer or thermocouple is crucial. Quenching mediums such as oil, water, or air are necessary for cooling. Safety gear including heat-resistant gloves, safety glasses, and protective clothing is vital.

Other necessities include tongs for handling hot metal, reference materials for steel-specific heat treatment procedures, and basic knowledge of the steel type being treated. For some processes, insulating materials may be needed. With these tools and knowledge, one can perform basic heat treatment on steel, though requirements may vary based on the specific process and scale of operation.

Related: What is Heat Treating and How Does it Work? 

The Different Types of Heat Treatment For Steel

Depending on your project goals, there are different ways to heat treat steel. The different types of steel heat treatment processes are annealing, normalizing, hardening, and tempering. Let’s take a look at each type below. 


Annealing serves as the counterbalance to metal hardening. It's a process used to alleviate stress, enhance ductility, and refine the grain structure of metals by softening them.

When welding without proper preheating, metals can end up with uneven temperatures, creating molten zones adjacent to areas that remain at room temperature. This disparity can result in weakened metal where internal stresses form as the weld cools, leading to areas that are hard and brittle. Annealing solves these issues by relieving internal stresses and restoring the metal's integrity.

To achieve maximum ductility in steels and other ferrous metals during annealing, it's essential to heat the metal gradually to the correct temperature, allow it to soak at that temperature, and then cool it slowly. This can be done by insulating the metal with materials like vermiculite or turning off the furnace and letting both the metal and furnace cool together.

The soaking time required depends on the type and mass of the metal. Low-carbon steels, for instance, necessitate higher annealing temperatures, while higher carbon content lowers the required temperature. For a more detailed explanation of annealing, refer to our comprehensive annealing guide.


The goal of normalizing steel is to eliminate internal stresses that arise from various processes such as heat treatment, machining, forging, forming, welding, or casting. These stresses, if left unchecked, can lead to metal failure. Normalizing steel before hardening enhances the material's stability, which helps ensure the reliability and success of the final product.

When steel is normalized, it becomes stronger than annealed steel. This process not only enhances the metal's strength but also increases its ductility, making it tougher than its annealed counterpart. For applications where a metal part must endure significant impact or resist external stresses, normalizing is generally preferred over annealing.

The air-cooling aspect of normalizing means the size of the metal piece influences its cooling rate and, consequently, its hardness. Thinner pieces cool more rapidly in the air, resulting in greater hardness compared to thicker pieces. In contrast, annealing involves furnace cooling, leading to similar hardness levels in both thin and thick parts.


This type of heat treatment enhances the hardness and strength of steel by reinforcing its lattice structure against deformation. Hardening typically involves heating the metal to temperatures ranging from 1472 to 1652°F, (some specialty metals may be outside of this range) followed by rapid cooling, often achieved by immersing the hot metal in substances like oil, water, or brine.

However, for steels with higher alloy content, the necessary heating temperatures can range from 1796 to 2030°F. The cooling speed during the quenching process significantly influences the final hardness of the material.

A critical trade-off of hardening is its impact on flexibility. While hardening increases the steel's resistance to deformation, it concurrently reduces its flexibility, rendering the material more prone to brittleness.


Steel often exhibits excessive rigidity and brittleness post-hardening due to internal stress from rapid cooling during heat treatment. Tempering alleviates these issues by relieving internal stress and enhancing toughness.

During tempering, steel is heated to temperatures ranging from 257°F to 1292°F and then allowed to cool in still air. Temperatures used for tempering are always lower than those used for hardening. Unlike hardening, the cooling rate does not significantly affect the metal's structure during tempering. Generally, higher tempering temperatures result in softer steel. However, high-speed steel behaves oppositely, becoming harder rather than softer after tempering.

How to Heat Treat Steel: Three Simple Steps

Now, let’s get into how to heat treat steel. The process is similar to heat treating a knife, but it has fewer steps since you don’t need a belt grinder to polish the blade. 

1. Heating Stage

The heat treatment process begins with the heating stage, where the steel's temperature is raised to a predetermined level. This phase is critical as it prepares the steel for structural changes and allows for precise control over its mechanical properties. The temperature and duration of heating depend on the desired outcome, whether it's softening, hardening, or altering its microstructure. Different types of heat treatments, such as normalizing, annealing, or case hardening, may require variations in this heating process. The heating stage sets the foundation for the subsequent transformations in the steel's structure.

2. Soaking Stage

Once the steel reaches the target temperature, it is held there for a specific period, known as soaking. This step ensures uniform temperature throughout the material, allowing for even transformation. Soaking time varies based on the size and composition of the steel, ensuring that the desired changes occur uniformly across the entire piece.

3. Cooling Stage

The cooling stage follows, which must be carefully controlled to achieve the intended properties. This can be done rapidly or slowly, depending on the heat treatment method used. Rapid cooling, or quenching, can increase hardness but may also increase brittleness if not followed by tempering. Slow cooling, such as in annealing, can improve ductility and relieve internal stresses. The cooling medium—whether air, oil, water, or another substance—plays a significant role in determining the final characteristics of the steel. The choice of cooling medium depends on the steel composition and the desired properties. The rate and method of cooling significantly influence the final microstructure and properties of the steel.

4. Tempering Stage

The final stage, tempering, is crucial for many applications, especially when the steel has been hardened through quenching. Tempering involves reheating the steel to a lower temperature after it has been quenched. This process helps reduce brittleness, relieve internal stresses, and fine-tune the steel's hardness and toughness to the desired levels. The tempering temperature and duration are carefully controlled to achieve the optimal balance of properties for the intended use of the steel. Tempering allows for precise adjustment of the steel's mechanical properties, ensuring it meets the specific requirements of its intended application.

It's important to note that while these four stages form the core of most heat treatment processes, there can be variations and additional steps depending on the specific type of steel and the desired outcome. Some heat treatments may involve multiple cycles of heating and cooling, or specialized processes like case hardening for creating a hard outer layer while maintaining a tough core. 

Which Metals are Suitable for Heat Treatment? 

Heat treatments are beneficial for various metals for numerous reasons.

  1. Steel: The most frequently heat-treated metal. Iron-carbon alloy steels exist in diverse forms, such as low-carbon, high-chromium stainless steel, basic carbon steel, and higher-carbon tool steels like O1 tool steel. Each variant reacts differently to heat treatments, yet all types of steel can undergo heat treatment to enhance their strength, toughness, and resistance to wear.
  2. Brass and Copper: Both are highly conductive metals and are essential in electrical applications. Through heat treatment, their strength and hardness can be improved, and their color can also be altered. However, pure copper is rarely heat-treated for strengthening, mainly undergoing annealing processes to soften it. Not all brass alloys respond to heat treatment in the same way.
  3. Aluminum Alloys: Known for being lightweight and resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for use in aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. Heat treating aluminum alloys can significantly increase their strength and hardness. It's important to note that not all aluminum alloys are heat-treatable; some are strengthened through work hardening instead.
  4. Titanium: Prized for its strength and lightweight, is widely used in aerospace, medical implants, and sporting goods. Heat treating titanium enhances its strength and toughness, making it even more versatile for these demanding applications.
  5. Nickel Alloys: Commonly heat-treated, especially in aerospace applications, to improve their strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures.

Important Things to Keep in Mind When Heat Treating 

Heat treating is a nuanced procedure that varies depending on the material and its intended use. With proper tools and guidance, even beginners can master heat treatment techniques. Here are key considerations to ensure quality control:

  1. Material Preparation: Before heat treatment, thorough cleaning of the material is essential. This step removes contaminants like oils, rust, and scale, which can otherwise interfere with the desired properties of the finished product.
  2. Temperature Control: Precise management of temperature and duration at that temperature is critical for achieving the desired microstructure. Different materials require specific heat treatment recipes tailored to their properties and intended application.
  3. Quenching Methods: The choice of quenching medium, whether it's oil, water, or air, profoundly impacts the material's final characteristics. This step determines how quickly the material cools and solidifies after heating, affecting its hardness and resilience.
  4. Atmosphere Control: Particularly important for reactive metals like titanium, controlling the atmosphere during heat treatment prevents unwanted reactions that could affect the material's properties.

Successfully mastering heat treatment involves understanding these factors and adjusting processes accordingly to achieve optimal results. With practice and attention to detail, individuals can effectively harness heat treatment to enhance material properties for various applications.


In conclusion, heat treating steel is a critical process that enhances the metal's properties to meet specific application requirements. Through carefully controlled heating, soaking, cooling, and sometimes tempering stages, steel can be transformed to achieve desired levels of hardness, strength, ductility, and wear resistance. This versatile process allows for the customization of steel's characteristics, making it suitable for a wide range of applications across industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and toolmaking. 

To achieve optimal results in your heat treating processes, consider exploring HeatTreatNow's selection of commercial ovens and furnaces, designed to meet the exacting standards required for professional heat treatment applications.