Cutting Edge Performance
High-efficiency technology allows you to reach the maximum temperature of 1700F degrees with the use of the on-screen controller. This unit is equipped with a kiln type “K” thermocouple and 16AWG Kanthal A-1 heating element.
Each piece of insulation is routered to fit perfectly together. This allows for the oven to maintain the temperature perfectly and not fluctuate due to gaps or poor fit. Each piece is routered to fit the heating elements/quartz tubes perfectly, so it has a snug fit. Each oven comes with a removable high-density kiln floor. This is ideal to assist with project setup or if it needs to be replaced.
TAP Controller from SDS Industries - Pro Version
The Most Advanced Kiln Control Technology Available! TAP (Temperature Automation by Proportional-Integral-Derivative) is the first commercially available consumer kiln controller that utilizes an intuitive graphical user interface to enable the glass or ceramic artist to immediately start programming and operating their kiln.
For all of us less technical, regular folks... this means an interactive touch screen! TAP is designed with similar functionality to many current 3-key and 12-key controllers, such as an Orton AutoFire® 3000 or the Sentry 2.0 Controller. However, its new technology provides the user with easier programming, more memory, and ultimately more control.
Programmable Alarm
Each unit comes standard with an integrated alarm that can be set to alert the user when a desired point or temperature is reached in the program.
We also have integrated a safety door switch that will de-energize the heating element when the door is open.
Heat Treat Oven Instruction Manual
Want to know more about this kiln before you buy? Click here to download the HS-16 with Novus 480D Programmable Controller manual or click here to download the HS-16 with TAP Controller manual and read more on these heat-treating ovens and kilns.
Kiln Accessories
Need more for your kiln? Explore more safety and other accessories here.